25 Years Galerie der Stadt Schwaz
Juliette Blightman, Christian Egger, Richard Hoeck/John Miller, Katharina Hölzl, Martin Hotter, Hans-Christian Lotz, Sophia Mairer, Josephine Pryde, Lucie Stahl, Miriam Visaczki, Margaritha Wanitschek, Seyoung Yoon
Galerie der Stadt Schwaz was officially established in 1994. We would like to mark this occasion by getting together to celebrate and cordially invite you to our exhibition opening followed by our annual summer party. Over the years the gallery has hosted 120 internationally acclaimed exhibitions along with a multitude of other activities. Given this abundance of intentions and information, the current exhibition poses the question of how we can navigate this vast knowledge and these preserved memories that have become more readily available as well as more confusing through digital networking.
Anniversaries arise from the need to establish a common narrative of a particular timespan and to gain objectivity on subjective experiences. But time cannot be defined as merely a chronological sequence of events, any more than identity can be defined as stable. It articulates itself first, and never conclusively, when dealing with differently formulated identities. Against this background the exhibition gathers positions that are both open as well as confrontational. It deals with the simultaneity of diverse things, of fractures, slices in time, updates, accumulation, unsustainable storage systems and efforts towards order.
Curated by Anette Freudenberger in collaboration with Martin Hotter.
Text: Anette Freudenberger
Photos: Verena Nagl